I originally received this book from my company since they are requiring each tech in our company to pass both the 70-290 and the 70-291. Initially looking through the book I was scepticle that it would adequately prepare me. After 1.5 months studying 2-3 hours daily and using this book as my primary source I passed with an 842. A coworker also used this book and passed with a 905. Each section seemed to cover the topics...
Well, I'm impressed. For starters, I got a valuable education from this book, not to mention a 980 on the exam. This book is a thorough course and will prepare you as much for the real world as it will the exam, but it requires a practice network of at least 2 computers (I recommend 3), and a lot of time - 250 to 300 hours. This isn't the kind of book that you read in bed or on the couch. The book is approx. 25% reading,...
I found this book to be a great resource and a good foundational book. I goes into enough detail to get a good understanding of the principals of Windows 2003 Network Infrastructure. While I am not sure you can pass the MSCSE 70-291 test with just reading this book it is a great foundation to compliment a good purchased sample test.
It has taken a while to get this book published. 1230 pages of material takes a lot of time to put together. Obviously the stated aim of this book is to prepare the student to take the exam. However, even if you are not planning on taking the exam, the material covered here is a complete book on Windows Server 2003 Networking. It covers everything from defining TCP/IP to troubleshooting nearly any kind of trouble. Of course...
No 1 book is ever perfect. Like one reviewer said it does not do a lot of explanation. I think it explains enough for you to practice and figure out the rest. That's what some computer books are about. That's what makes this book extremely enjoyable to read without over burdening you with details. However, i did need a little more in depth to IIS 6.0 so bought the Resource Kit from Microsoft Press, that was excellent.