Maud-Evelyn is a novel written by the renowned American author, Henry James. The book tells the story of a young woman named Maud-Evelyn who is born into a wealthy and privileged family. Despite her privileged upbringing, Maud-Evelyn is plagued by a sense of dissatisfaction and...
Maud-Evelyn is a novel written by the renowned author James Henry. The book is a work of fiction that tells the story of a young woman named Maud-Evelyn, who is the daughter of a wealthy family living in England. Maud-Evelyn is a beautiful and intelligent young woman, but she...
Maud-Evelyn is a novel written by Henry James, first published in 1900. The story revolves around the titular character, Maud-Evelyn, a young American woman who travels to Europe in search of adventure and romance. Along the way, she meets a number of interesting characters,...