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Education Education & Reference Instruction Methods Schools & Teaching Science & MathI've had the honor of knowing Tomie dePaola for over 30 years now. I'm always amazed at his creativity and sensitivity. My First Christmas is a wonderful introduction to Christmas and it's meaning for all ages. The delightful pictures make the symbols totally wonderful. I'm probably not the best person to review Tomie's books because I love his art work and his storytelling. I am a former Children's Librarian, so I do...
My two-year-old daughter LOVES this book. She had me read it over and over during the holiday season. (She calls it the "ho ho book"!) She was just mesmerized by the images and particularly loved the image of Santa himself.
My grandson is 9 months old. He loves this book with the simple pictures and durable pages that he can turn all by himself.
I love the old classic stories and this Tomie de Paolo was perfect for our grandson's first Christmas last year. Parents brought it out again this year and at 18months it was a perfect bedtime story...short, sweet, cute illustrations. The seller was just as wonderful in sharing this almost new item with a cute personalized note. I assured them that their book was appreciated, cared for, and in very good (tiny) hands. I...