Peterson's Master the Clerical Exams (6th Edition) provides user-friendly test preparation for those seeking public- and private-sector clerical positions.
This essential test-prep guide includes: tips on how to score high on many of the most widely used exams for jobs with federal, state, and local governments; an overview of the civil service test-taking process; and subject reviews of all test areas.
Peterson's Master the Clerical Exams offers readers 8 practice tests, covering all subjects presented in clerical exams:
writing typing coding vocabulary syntax analogies reading comprehension spelling and basic mathThis guidebook is structured to help you achieve a high score on the Clerical Exam.
Take a Diagnostic Test to determine your strengths and weaknesses in the material, so you can focus your study time and efforts on improving your score Review answer keys and detailed explanations for each practice test's correct answers Find detailed information on career opportunities in the public and private sectors, including eligibility requirements and application procedures, and "Top Ten Strategies to Raise Your Score "