When a pair of adorable kittens joins the family, Marley is so excited to have two new friends to play with that he follows the felines everywhere. But Marley is no graceful kitten. By imitating their gentle behavior, he unintentionally makes a mess all over the house and gets...
Marley est tr's enthousiaste, car deux chatons adorables viennent de se joindre ? la famille. Il adore jouer avec eux. Il les suit partout, mais malheureusement, il n'est pas aussi d?licat que ses amis chats. Il essaie tant bien que mal de se comporter comme eux, mais il cumule...
When a pair of adorable kittens joins the family, Marley is so excited to have two new friends to play with that he follows the felines everywhere. But Marley is no graceful kitten. By imitating their gentle behavior, he unintentionally makes a mess all over the house and gets...