..yo lo describiria como un manual para nuestra vida cotidiana ...nuestra vida esta llena de emociones buenas y malas y aprender a controlarlas es la clave no dejarnos llevar por los impulsos y aprender a escuchar a Dios , para actuar en el momento adecuado ...Joyce explica desde el punto de vista biblico como tomar autoridad sobre nuestras decisiones para alcanzar el exito dia a dia ...un manual para aprender como tomar...
I had been watching Joyce Meyer on television for many years. Her background of abuse and emotional turmoil was something that drew me to her. Emotionally, I had no connections. Not long ago I was in a season of emotional winter. Everything looked dark, cold and dreary. I had confessed many scriptures, read many books, but could not shake off my winter of discontent. I hate to admit it- but I was depressed. During this...
I am an atheist, a baptised Catholic turned non-believer. But I must admit, watching Joyce on the television with her direct no bologna methodology, I am swayed by her teachings because she speaks what she truly believes in, and its like having the mother I never had give me a good talking too. But, I'm too staunch in my belief to recant my atheism. I believe we are accountable for our own actions in this life which is a...
Emotions, what a powerful tool God has equiped us with. I find myself reading a portion of the book and then going back and re-reading it, because of how it has spoken to me. I am reminded of an illustration she uses in the first part of the book talking about emotions and how messed up they can be. She talks about different sizes, shapes, and colors of shoe strings and how they are all knotted together. She further...
Joyce Meyer is an amazing, annointed teacher whose casual style and relatability is so attractive.This book, like all her teaching, is written as if you were sitting in the room with her having a chat. She tells it like it is and teachs from God's Word with principles to manage your emotions as Jesus did.If you ever get depressed or angry or sad or frustrated when you don't want to - Joyce will set you straight and help...