Mammy's Christmas Story is a children's book published in 1868 by Moffat and Company. The book tells the story of Mammy, an elderly African American woman who shares a heartwarming Christmas story with her young charges. Mammy's story takes place on a plantation in the South,...
Mammy's Christmas Story is a heartwarming children's book originally published in 1868 by Moffat and Company. The story follows the beloved character of Mammy, an African American woman who works as a cook and caretaker for a wealthy family in the South during the 1800s. Mammy...
Mammy's Christmas Story is a heartwarming tale set in the American South during the mid-19th century. Written by Moffat and Company and first published in 1868, the book tells the story of a young girl named Lily and her family's beloved Mammy, a kind and wise African American...