Qu son los imanes? Por qu se pueden encontrar imanes dentro de m quinas como televisores, radios y tel fonos? Qu tienen que ver los tomos y las part culas diminutas que los conforman--protones, neutrones y electrones--con el magnetismo? Los imanes proporcionan fuerzas...
This series introduces students to basic concepts of energy and matter. It describes topics through short, easy-to-understand sentences supplemented by vivid photography and simple experiments.
What are magnets?Why are magnets found inside machines such as televisions, radios, and telephones?What do atoms and the tiny particles that make up atoms--protons, neutrons, and electrons--have to do with magnetism? Magnets provide forces that have the power to push or pull...
What are magnets? Why are magnets found inside machines such as televisions, radios, and telephones? What do atoms and the tiny particles that make up atoms--protons, neutrons, and electrons--have to do with magnetism? Magnets provide forces that have the power to push or pull...
What are magnets? Why are magnets found inside machines such as televisions, radios, and telephones? What do atoms and the tiny particles that make up atoms protons, neutrons, and electrons have to do with magnetism? Magnets provide forces that have the power to push or pull...