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Betrayal Espionage Family Secrets Friendship Love Magic Self-Discovery Survival Skills Adventure Magical PowersHeinlein, one of the 3 big sci-fi authors of the mid 20th century along with Asimov and Clark was ahead of his time with this story. It was a trailblazer for the military sci-fi genre. He description of training, battle, while also dealing with themes such as free will, civic virtue, militarism really gets you into the story, and the struggle of Johnny Rico.
If i was stranded on a desert island i would take this book.
Maligned by a movie with which it shares a title and some character names but little else, Starship Trooper remains one of the classic works of a giant of the sci-fi genre. Like most of the great titans who turned it from a pulp genre to serious literature, Heinlein used his work to develop complex and often thought provoking critiques on society. Starship Trooper is no exception.Like many of Heinlein's works, this novel's...
For me, Starship Troopers is all the proof you need in order to name Robert Heinlein science fiction's greatest writer. I am getting in the bad habit of naming specific Heinlein books to be his very best, only to find that the next novel I pick up is even better than the last one. This particular novel is fascinating on a number of levels. There is nothing really special about Johnnie Rico; he's a normal lad who decides...
I've read nearly everything Heinlein ever wrote. I like to group his novels into three general categories. They are:1. "Youth" novels such as the excellent "Citizen of the Galaxy", "Tunnel in the Sky" and "Podkayne of Mars." These feature young heroes or heroines in challenging situations.2. "Future History" novels, such as "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress","Time Enough for Love", "Methuselah's Children", "To Sail Beyond the...