I was petrified when I worked through the 3 introductory scenarios in this book - they are pretty thorough and fairly difficult. When I took the exam today, though, I was pleasantly surprised, because the exam scenarios were much easier. I attribute my passing score entirely to this book (and the accompanying review guide). If you can do the 3 scenarios in this book, then you will most likely pass.
Most of the people who buy this book only want to cram the information and have absolutely no interest in learning the material. I am glad that this book does not just give out the answers. Learn it for yourself and you will be fine. Study it hard and apply it to real life situations you may have had the opportunity to deal with.
everyone that wants to pass the exam must read this book
I certified on the old track last year. I used this book and found that IF YOU HAVE THE PATIENCE to work through it, you WILL pass the exam. The Syngress book wastes 200 pages on MSF. We use MSF as a methodology, but it won't help you pass the test. I always look at anything that Ben Ezell writes on core requirements as THE authoritative work. But if you DON"T design DNA systems as part of your job, you may want to wait...