I buy far too many cook books. I have everything from the Cooks Illustrated line-up to some Food Network/ PBS shows, etc. This has to be the best instructional cook book I have read. This book is not a sum total of recipes, nor is it a compilation of how the technique was developed... It is a lesson plan. It is very much a course in how to barbecue and after you have learned each lesson you will truly know how to read what...
Wow...this book is awesome. I never really knew how to use a smoker, and this book is the bomb with easy to understand instructions. The best smoked meat I've ever had is now what I cook! There are also fabulous recipes for sauces, sides and so much more! This book would make a great Father's Day gift, but I bought one just for me!
This guy walks you thru the barbequing process like a drill sargent at a Marine Boot Camp. But when it's over you'll be glad you did it his way! The book is all about the technique of smoking (on a Weber Smoky Mountain (best), or Kettle, or any type of smoker), but it has lots of recipes too. Why go thru all the hassle of experimenting with different times, amounts of wood or charcoal, or opening and closing vents, when...
Gary Wiviott's "LOW & SLOW" should be required reading with every smoker sold. Prof. Wiviott has been there, made the mistakes, learned from them and now passes on his experience and knowledge. Do what he says, because he has done it and knows it works, and you will turn out real Barbecue. The book is a complete walk thru on learning true Barbecue. Do it and you will be doing it right. Plus there is the added bonus of...