"Aston overlays the Chicken Little tale with an environmental theme. . . . Murphy paints a wilderness worth preserving." -- PUBLISHERS WEEKLY When a drop of water falls -- plop -- on Loony Little's head, she and her friends decide that they must bring this unfortunate news to the fearsome queen. Maybe she can explain how this strange turn of events will affect them. But when sly Foxy Loxy volunteers to escort all the animals to the queen's lair, Loony suspects that the fate of the Arctic and its marvelous creatures is not what the fox -- or the queen -- really cares about. Now, who can they find who does care? Back matter includes an author's note and information about the animals.
This book is alot like Chicken Little except that is has to do with the Polar Ice Cap instead of the sky. It is put in a way that even little kids can understand. I can't wait to see what she writes next.
Good, Chilly Fun
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 20 years ago
Loved this witty tale of life in the Arctic. And what a great confrontation between the Polar Bear Queen and wicked old Foxy Loxy. The story takes some really interesting twists and has a nice open ending that encourages discussion with children. The illustrations are really beautiful and "chilly looking," just the thing we needed on a hot Texas day.
made my 4 and 6 year olds ask questions
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 21 years ago
I loved this book. It is a wonderful story yet thought provoking. I was surprised to hear my 4 year old ask about global warming. He then made me read the discriptions of all the animals. I was very shocked and excited about this. Ms. Aston has written more then just a cute story, she has opened a window for discussion about a topic we should all be concerned about. I look forward to reading more of her work.
Kids will love it!
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 21 years ago
A funny, entertaining, and educational spin on the original Chicken Little story. Each page is filled with delightful characters and there is a surprising twist at the end. Kids will love this book!
What a GREAT children's book!!
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 21 years ago
Looney Little is a great adaptation of the familiar folktale, "Chicken Little". However, instead of, "the sky is falling", Looney Little worries that, "the polar icecaps are melting!" This is an excellent story to familiarize kids with polar animals, as well as touching upon a very serious subject...global warming. What a great book!!
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