ISBN 0385080255 - There are hundreds of books of nursery rhymes and they often make me wonder... why? Truthfully, not once in the first 20 years of my life did I ever read London Bridge. It came into my world as a song and a game, not a story. With that history, I read these books with suspicion, assuming that they're just a cheap way to make money without doing actual work or writing. Then, to make me re-think that, an author...
Peter Spier's exquisite watercolors are a delightful accompaniment to the old nursery rhyme "London Bridge Is Falling Down". The evocative, sometimes whimsical illustrations conjure up Merry Old England and the famous bridge that kept falling down. A must-read for children, and worthwhile for any adult who appreciates a fine example of children's literature married to imaginative visuals.