Add the newest means of advertising your business into your marketing mix by developing an online advertising strategy. This get-down-to-business guide will show you how. Written by executives from Yodle, a New York-based firm specializing in online advertising, this book reveals the best and brightest ways to get the word out, from creating a Web presence that draws visitors, to using SEO, to jumping boldly into social media advertising.
Online advertising market is estimated to grow to $10-$19 billion by 2011, and you'll want your business to be part of this huge shift Explores how to research your audience, set goals, and build a plan Provides steps and tips on creating an effective Web presence and landing pages-then covers how to drive visitors to your site with search engine optimization, AdWords, e-mail blasts, and social media marketing Examines blogs, chat rooms, video, and other ways to win customersDon't miss the free offer from Yodle that comes with this practical guide