Luke has decided its time for Jaina, Jacen, Tenel Ka, and Lowie to be trained with a lightsabre. Jacen and Jaina are a little cautious about taking up taking up a lightsabre after their experiences at Shadow Academy. Tenel Ka staying true to her charactor still prefers to rely on her phyiscal strength instead of the Force and ends up putting together her lightsabre too fast and rather recklessly. During a dueling practice...
This is probably my favorite book in the young jedi knights series. Luke Skywalker decides that it is time for the Young Jedi Knights to build their lightsabers. he tells them not to rush, but after Tenal Ka finds out Lowbacca is almost done with his, she hurries to build hers. At a traning practice with Jacen, her faulty lightsaber beam 'disinagrates' and Jacen's cuts her arm off above the elbow. an explosion a moments later...
I thought Lightsabers was one of the best of the series. I just read the entire first series again and am now reading starting the second series. I couldn't put the book down. It starts with the jedi knights (Jacen, Jaina, Tenel Ka, Lowie) constructing thier lightsabers. Each of them have to go get a focusing crystal. Even though Luke tells them not to rush into it and finish it in a day or two, Tenel Ka rushes through the...
Written by the terrific husband and wife team, Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta, the Star Wars Young Jedi Knights series are not to be missed! These series of books center on the young twins of Han Solo and Lei Organa, Jacen and Jacen, and their friends, Lowbacca and Tenel Ka, as they journey on the road to becoming Jedi Knights."Lightsabers", the fourth book of the YJK series, is one of my favorites! It begins where Luke...
When I read this book for the first time, I literaly could not put it down. Since then I have read it and the rest of the series many times over, and this book never loses it's flavor. The discriptions and characters were so vivid that I could see everything that was happening, and it felt almost as if I was there. Anyway, in this book, Luke decides Jacen, Jaina, Tenel Ka, and Lowie are now ready to build their lightsabers...