Lifetime Lessons in Consulting answers two questions: 1. What does a consultant do? 2. What makes a good life? Through stories, anecdotes, and lessons to share, this book puts the human face on consulting as a calling. It can be used as a companion book to complement a traditional text, or it can be a stand-alone book for someone who wonders what it's like to be a consultant. It's one person's story spanning over fifty years of experience as a professor and consultant.
Lifetime Lessons in Consulting is about wholeness. The ivory tower joins the real world in these pages. Kurt Lewin, the father of applied psychology, said, "Nothing is more useful than a good theory;" and William James, the father of American psychology, said, "A theory without application is useless." This book combines theory and experience to make a veritable smorgasbord of lessons learned from the life of the author. It's a fascinating feast that is both whole and wholesome for both new and experienced consultants.