A wealthy, uptight Wall Street stockbroker in the late 1800s runs his household with an iron fist, much to the amusement of his family and staff. These legendary tales, first written by Clarence Day, Jr, for the New Yorker Magazine, were developed into Life With Father, the longest...
A wealthy, uptight Wall Street stockbroker in the late 1800s runs his household with an iron fist, much to the amusement of his family and staff. These legendary tales, first written by Clarence Day, Jr, for the New Yorker Magazine, were developed into Life With Father, the longest...
A wealthy, uptight Wall Street stockbroker in the late 1800s runs his household with an iron fist, much to the amusement of his family and staff. These legendary tales, first written by Clarence Day, Jr, for the New Yorker Magazine, were developed into Life With Father, the longest...