Cheryl Richardson's writing style and thought processes are what distinguish this book from other self-help books in this area. People in search of this type of book are frequently mystified either online or in the bookstore wondering which one is right for them. For a good majority of these people, including myself, I can enthusiastically recommend all of Cheryl's books. Cheryl's suggestions are pragmatic and realistic,...
The author comes across very direct. She tells you what is wrong and how to correct it. She feels that only truth heals. She offers valuable solutions to some of our common problems. I gained significantly from reading the book. I would also highly recommend the book An Encounter With A Prophet where much healing truth also abides.
I had read Cheryl's other best selling book called "Take Time For Your Life" and enjoyed it so much that I picked up this one. I recommend both these books. I read through this book once already and am now revisiting different chapters where I want to "take (the) action challenges" Cheryl suggests at each chapter ending. I have started writing a daily morning journal outlining my priorities for the day and the week. I...
If you read _Take Time for Your Life_ and thought, this book is soo great, but I don't know how to organize this, then you want this book. Richardson takes the steps presented in her first book and breaks them down into 52 tasks (neatly designed to take 1 year obviously). The titles to the chapters are catchy, the exercises are useful, helpful, and not designed to take massive chunks out of your life, in fact, they...