Whether or not you're already hip to the ideas that 1.) it is possible to be healthy, beautiful and fabulous at any size and 2.) weight is not an indicator of moral character, this is a fantastic read. With keen intelligence and razor-sharp wit, Kate Harding and Marianne Kirby hit on a variety of topics, including the science and philosophy behind a HAES (Health at Every Size) lifestyle, reading medical studies with a critical...
This book made me giggle, cringe in self-recognition, nod in agreement and cheer. If you are dead-set on hating yourself, this isn't the book for you. But if you've been thinking that maybe those crazy fat acceptance folks have a point about dieting not working, you are ready to sit down and listen to two honest, caring girlfriends who will tell it like it is. No, it's not all unicorns and cotton candy, accepting your body...
I am so excited to read this book. Kate and Marianne's blogs are leaders in a movement that is key for women's sanity and the general culture's sanity around body image and health. Thanks to them I stopped obsessing over food and started practicing intuitive eating and guess what? I haven't gained weight and I feel much better focusing my energy on other things. (BTW, I have never been what comment trolls would probably consider...
This book is funny, witty, engaging, and most of all educational. As the authors say, a lot of what the book is about seems like common sense, but it's so hard to start thinking that way about your body, especially for women. Whether you are are fat or not, whether you are a chronic dieter or not, this book is really fabulous for helping you let you of your self-hate and starting to accept yourself and your body for who...
This book got me a date. Seriously. I was lucky enough to read an advanced copy (but I still bought the finished book as a show of appreciation and support). I was 6 months out of a relationship and feeling anxious about putting my girthful self out into the cruel world of dating. I decided I would take the leap in the spring AFTER I'd lost 50 pounds. Then I read Fat-O-Sphere. It made me feel strong. If I was happy and successful...