I buy a lot of books -just ask my postal carrier. One year my favorite was Biscuit Bliss. Another year it was Morimoto's masterpiece. This year it is Lasagna Gardening. There is so much wonderful information inside. Covers much more than I expected.
There are countless books available on gardening, and many competing methods which all claim to get the best results. Some are highly readable and help the reader become truly successful and effective gardeners. Most, unfortunately, do not. Based on both my personal gardening experience and some 20 plus years of reading books on the subject, Lasagna Gardening is one of those dozen or so books out there I consider worth having...
I believe that when it comes to books presenting new ways of doing anything, the only testimony that counts is that which comes from firsthand experience. Well folks, I'm here to tell you after a year of gardening the lasagna way that my firsthand experience shows this book is one of the wisest investments any gardener can make. Let me tell you about my 2003 garden.First, a short outline of lasagna gardening technique: ...
Usually when reviewing titles we like to keep personal experience out of the review. But for this book, the review would not have been complete without telling the experience of our Founder and Chief Literarian had after using Patricia Lanza's techniques. In fact, it was her running around the office raving about her garden that led us to this book.Before using this book, our leader had a decidedly brown thumb. After using...