" C mo puedes saber que he dicho mentiras?"
"how can you know that I have told lies?"
"Las mentiras, mi querido muchacho, se descubren inmediatamente"
"Lies, my dear boy, are found out immediately"
"En este mundo hay dos tipos de mentiras"
"in this world there are two sorts of lies"
"Hay mentiras que tienen patas cortas"
"There are lies that have short legs"
"Y hay mentiras que tienen narices largas"
"and there are lies that have long noses"
"Tu mentira es de las que tiene la nariz larga"
"Your lie is one of those that has a long nose"
Pinocho no sab a d nde esconderse
Pinocchio did not know where to hide himself
Se avergonzaba de que sus mentiras fueran descubiertas
he was ashamed of his lies being discovered
Trat de salir corriendo de la habitaci n
he tried to run out of the room
pero no logr escapar
but he did not succeed at escaping
Su nariz se hab a alargado demasiado para escapar
his nose had gotten too long to escape
y ya no pod a pasar por la puerta
and he could no longer pass through the door