Lanzelet, one of the first known versions of the Lancelot story, is a critical work in medieval literature. This Middle High German romance is a rendering of a lost French tale of Lancelot that likely predates Chr tien de Troyes's famous Lancelot or the Knight of the...
Text and facing translation of an important medieval German Arthurian romance. Ulrich von Zatzikhoven's Lanzelet, dating from the end of the twelfth century, is a verse translation into Middle High German of what was probably an Anglo-Norman romance, now lost. It presents...
Der Lanzelet des Ulrich von Zatzikhoven ist ein r tselhaftes St ck Artusliteratur. Entstanden wohl bald nach 1194, ist er nach dem Erec Hartmanns von Aue der zweite deutsche Artusroman. Seine verlorene altfranz sische Vorlage jedoch k nnte Exponent einer vor oder neben Chr...
Lanzelet , one of the first known versions of the Lancelot story, is a critical work in medieval literature. This Middle High German romance is a rendering of a lost French tale of Lancelot that likely predates Chr tien de Troyes's famous Lancelot or the Knight of the Cart ...