James Ellroy's LA Confidential will no doubt go down in history as a landmark work like Chandler's The Big Sleep and Hammett's The Maltese Falcon. Ellroy's style in entirely unique; there is really no one else like him. This novel is told in the noir traditions but with a contemporary writer's touch. Characters as real as the people you know are found in these pages, made even more real by their flaws. If you're one of those...
It's a spider web. It's a labyrinth, and the minotaur at its heart is both a psychotic murderer and the central selves of its three main characters. As a surface read, this novel is a stellar exemplar of the noir California genre. The Los Angeles it conjures up is both a nightmare and a reality (Johnny Stompanato, the gangster lover of Lana Turner, is a character, and his murder by Turner's daughter provides a final knife-twist...
LA Confidential is without a doubt the most satisfying, retro 50's crime novel I have ever read, and will prove a treasure trove of additional thrills to any fan of the critically acclaimed movie released in 1998.I picked up the hardcover version of this book in 1992 and since then have read it a dozen times, making it one of the most dog-eared books in my collection. Ellroy's original novel carries about two and a half times...
LA Confidential has been rightly hailed as a masterpiece of American fiction, not just of American crime fiction. But you need to do your homework first, as this is actually the third book in Ellroy's L.A. Quartet. The set includes, "The Black Dahlia," "The Big Nowhere," "LAC," and "White Jazz." By the end of White Jazz, the driving plot and Ellroy's maturity as a writer have honed an already sparse style to something...
Every month, streaming services remove some of their offerings to make room for new ones. But that doesn't mean we can't watch them anymore. Here is a list of titles being cut by HULU and Netflix in May. Order your own copy to keep watching.
Find the perfect music to complement your reading experience? Or vice-versa! Here are twenty vinyl albums (worth double points from now until 4/23) with a reading recommendation for each.