""Knocking The Neighbors"" is a novel written by George Ade. The book tells the story of two neighbors who have been living next to each other for years but have never really gotten along. One day, one of the neighbors decides to start a feud with the other, and the two begin...
""Knocking The Neighbors"" is a novel by George Ade that tells the story of the residents of a small town in Indiana. The book is a humorous and satirical take on small-town life, with a focus on the gossip and rumors that circulate among the townspeople. The main character is...
""Knocking The Neighbors"" is a novel written by George Ade. The story revolves around the life of a young man named Billy Baxter who moves to a new neighborhood and gets involved with his neighbors in various ways. The book portrays the different personalities of the people...
"Knocking the Neighbors" from George Ade. American writer, newspaper columnist, and playwright (1866 - 1944).
This Book " Knocking the Neighbors" has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has...