Enter the world of chivalrous horseback warriors and learn what it takes to become a knight. Eyewitness Knight follows the journey of a knight in making, from being a page or a squire at an early age undergoing rigorous training before making it to the ceremony...
Take an inside look at the life of a knight -- from battles and banquets to sieges and chivalry -- in this updated edition of Eyewitness: Knight . Illustrations, maps, charts, and timelines look at the history of medieval knights and their armor, jousting, heraldry, hawking,...
Take an inside look at the life of a knight - from battles and banquets to sieges and chivalry - in this updated edition of Eyewitness: Knight . Illustrations, maps, charts, and timelines look at the history of medieval knights and their armor, jousting, heraldry, hawking, and...