"Brian Butko has written the definitive story of Isaly's with all its ups and downs, and he's sprinkled it with nostalgic anecdotes and interviews from longtime employees." --David Newell, "Mr. McFeely" on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
"A regional tradition becomes America's favorite ice cream treat. A must-read book for all ice cream lovers." --Ed Marks, founder of Ice Screamers
The Klondike bar is America's favorite ice cream novelty. This book traces its history and the rise and fall of its creator company, Isaly's Dairy, which evolved from one milk wagon to a dozen plants that supplied its 400 delis and dairies by the 1950s. The family company thrived on sound business practices and good customer relations and was known for its famous chipped ham and ice cream novelties-the Skyscraper cone and the Klondike. The author shows how changing consumer habits weakened the family enterprise but led them to take the Klondike national. Filled with photos and vintage ads.
A must read for anyone who grew up in Western Pennsylvania or Eastern Ohio who remembers Isaly's Dairy Stores. While not from that region, I have eaten a few Klondike Bars in my time and enjoy Mr. Butko's work on the Lincoln Highway and Diners. This is well researched looking at company records and interviews with Isaly family and coworkers. The book is filled with excellent photographs from the start of Isaly Dairy's to...
Brian Butko is a brilliant writer whose love of a subject comes alive in his books. I have never read a book that more comprehensively and eloquently relates the ethos of a region and its people. This book is a great read for anyone who is interested in the history and culture of these wonderful eateries. It also provides an incredibly insightful glimpse into the world of small business management. I grew up on Isaly's...