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NatureGoldratt and Deming, are arguably two of the most influential business thinkers ever. This book melds statistical process control, and the Theory of Constraints, finally bringing these techniques together in one book. You'll gain a basic understanding of both SPC, and an intro to the Theory of Constraints (TOC), and Goldratts' Thinking Processes (TP). In addition to presenting the tools for process control, measurement,...
You may find it hard to believe, but this book actually teaches manager how to improve their business performance. Don't be afraid to spend your time reading it and enter Deming & Goldratt world, because it works.
Anyone who wants to be considered a "Manager" can't avoid to read Lepore's book without enthusiasm. But this is nothing compared to what you can feel applying Decalogue's teachings to the day by day activity in a company. Especially when you see they work!
A complete path to achieve control and understanding of a "process". You can go deeply inside problems and find out that is not so hard to solve them: you must only want it ! Be ready to open your minds....
At last a book on these two great thinkers. The combination of the Deming system and the Goldratt TOC process is perfect for keeping a management balance. This is a HOW TO DO IT BOOK not another FEEL GOOD book of slogans. Read it, think about and read it again. Give it to your people to read. This is the real thing.