My son loves football but the story seemed slow to him when he was reading it. He definitely loves football and this was good for him. Especially since he needs to read more. It is not hard to get him to play football but it is to read. This makes it easier for him to read more.
My grandson is not really a child who enjoys reading, however, after seeing Tiki Barber and his brothers interview on the Today show I immediately purchsed this book. Now I am not going to tell you he now reads everything but it did spark an interest, he completed the book and has asked for other's in the series. The challenge here was finding something which caught his interest, as with any child, find something they like...
I bought this book for my Third Grade son last week at his book fair. He will finish it today! I have never seen him read a book so quickly or be so enthusiastic. We were thrilled to find today that there is also a new book out and can't wait to buy that one too. This book is definitely a hit at our house!
This is the first chapter book for kids by Tiki and Ronde Barber. I started getting Tiki and Ronde's fine picture books for my son because he saw Tiki and Ronde speaking about it on MNF. They are quality stories with excellent messages for kids. Tiki and Ronde are role models that a parent can embrace for their character, which is something I am always struggling with when I find sports related books for my son.