This may prove to be one of the better entries in the Millhone series. Any self respecting, competent P.I. in real life will probably tell you that they probably won't always find all the answers in every case they take. Though they probably find out most of the answers most of the time. Millhone didn't find all the answers she needed on this case. And it isn't necessarily clear how she figured out who the killer was. It isn't...
This is one of the darkest in the series, although that is a relative term because Kinsey Milhone's sharp wit adds a spice of humor to almost anything. It begins with an unsparing description of a mother's grief over a murdered daughter and then Kinsey uncovers some apalling things about the dead girl's life and family. The clues to the killer's identity come abruptly at the end and the killer's motives are not completely...
... Personally, 'K' is right up there with my other favoriteKinsey novels like 'A', 'C', and 'G' (for example). Yes, maybe theending did come out of a hole in the wall (though I didn't consider it to have), but I nontheless found it enthralling. Kinsey's all-too-human reaction to a certain occurrence toward this end struck me as chilling and realistic. This one's a real page-turner, I found - I couldn't put it down.
Sue Grafton is a great author that has an experienced career in writing best-selling novels. I enjoyed her book, K is for Killer, in many different ways. All of her books are about the same character and settings which makes he books enjoyable. The suspence in her books never lets me put the book down. I enjoyed her book so much, I did a book review of it in my Literature class at Coachman Middle School in Clearwater, Florida...