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Crafts Crafts & Hobbies Crafts & Hobbies Needlecrafts & Textile Crafts Quilts & QuiltingThis is one of my favorite newer books. I can't wait to try something in it. Just need more time to get there.
I was drawn to this book title because I have been collecting some wonderful fabrics that have large designs and I have seen some beautiful quilts displayed in my local quilt shop that made use of these large patterned fabrics. By buying this book, I get several patterns at a cost far less than buying the individual patterns from the quilt shop. I am especially interested in using Asian fabrics and there are 2 quilts pictured...
Just Can't Cut It!: Quilts From Fabulous Fabrics is a simple guide by quilting expert Pamela Mostek to the art and craft of assembling quilts from fabrics that are simply too gorgeous to be cut into small shapes! Twelve quilt patterns, tips for using large-scale prints, step-by-step instructions, and more, make Just Can't Cut It! an easy-to-follow addition recommended for any and all personal needlecrafting reference collections...
The title says it all! So often in a fabric store, I run across gorgeous fabric that I absolutely love but can't for the life of me figure out how I would use it in a quilt. Sometimes it's a large-scale print that wouldn't look right cut into itty-bitty pieces for a traditional pieced quilt. Sometimes it's a '30s repro novelty print where, again, the scenes would get destroyed if cut. More recently, it's been the lovely...