If you liked the previous books, you'll like this one as well. Same compelling story, but with different characters. The story is much darker than the prior novels. But seeing how Griffin triumphs over the "Jumper Hunters" is very interesting.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's not a novelization of the movie (those usually stink). Instead he tells the story of Griffin who is a character in the movie. After seeing the movie and reading Jumper and Reflex, I was very curious to find out what Griffin's background was and I was left very satisfied. Incidentally, I enjoyed the movie but found the ending lacking.
I am a huge fan of Steven Gould. I read the first Jumper book several years ago, and followed it immediately with the sequel, Reflex. When I heard last year about a movie being based on the books, I was excited, and yet a little leery. I haven't seen the movie yet, but was thrilled when Gould wrote a 3rd book solely to support the inclusion of a 2nd jumper in the movie. This book is the story of Griffin, from his childhood...
This is an excellent book. I also read his other Jumper book and loved it. I wish Steven Gould would write 100 more books so I could read them.
I've just finished Gould's reworking of the Jumper series. At first, having read the, "Note about the Novel," I felt a little cheated. Had I just paid for a re-hash of one of my favourite novels? In short, the answer is, 'no'. Despite having a completely new setting, plot and characters, I loved Griffin's Story as much as the first Jumper novel. I was expecting a story about Davy and Millie's child but, instead, was taken...