"Grounded in the science of happiness and spiritual wisdom, Joy After Fifty offers simple, proven practices for activating joy-the key to attracting love, health and prosperity into your life. I highly recommend this book "
- JOHN GRAY, PhD, Bestselling author of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus
"What a gift An antidote to the stressors of our times, Joy After Fifty shows us how to re-enchant our lives with wonder and delight, in any circumstance."
-MARCI SHIMOFF, NY Times Bestselling author of Happy for No Reason; Love for No Reason
"Joy After Fifty is an inspirational and practical weekly resource guide for deeply remembering the essence of who we are. Rarely does a book live up to its title. This one does "
-ANGELES ARRIEN, PhD, author of The Second Half of Life: Opening to the Eight Gates of Wisdom
"Connie Clark's joyous message resounds with the positives that lie ahead. Read and smile. I did."
-WALTER BORTZ, M.D., author of Dare To Be 100; Clinical Associate Professor at Stanford University School of Medicine
"Each page of Joy after Fifty opens a portal to awe, amazement, and insight, empowering us to gracefully dance with the challenges and the opportunities."
-MARILYN JOYCE, PhD, RD, The Vitality Doctor(TM) author of INSTANT E.N.E.R.G.Y.(TM)
"Hats off to Connie Clark's method of helping women find the route to self-discovery, gratitude, and sheer joy "
-JAN WAHL, Film Critic, KCBS AM/FM & KRON-TV, San Francisco
CONNIE CLARK, known as the "Joy Doctor," is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, consultant, seminar and retreat leader. She is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in Sausalito, California, specializing in women's psychology and empowerment, since 1986. Connie is the president of JoyWorks(TM), www.connieclarkjoyworks.com and the popular boomer women's blog, www.joyafterfifty.com.
CONTACT CONNIE: connie@joyafterfifty.com for dates of women's events in your area and 2012 Joy After Fifty Retreats