This text combines autobiography and scientific lore to convey the excitement and pleasure the study of ants can offer. The authors interweave their personal adventures with the social lives of ants, building, from the first minute observations of childhood, a remarkable account...
Richly illustrated and delightfully written, Journey to the Ants combines autobiography and scientific lore to convey the excitement and pleasure the study of ants can offer. Bert Hölldobler and E. O. Wilson interweave their personal adventures with the social lives of ants,...
Diese von den beiden weltber hmten Experten geschriebene, reich illustrierte Naturgeschichte f hrt in die faszinierende Welt der Ameisen. Sie erfahren von der Artenvielfalt, von typischen Verhaltensweisen, von der effektiven Zusammenarbeit und den Verst ndigungsm glichkeiten...