This has to be the most definitive book on Joan/Arc available anywhere, and that is saying a lot. I have many books on this most unfortunate Saint in my library. With this most informative author you can't go wrong. Period.
If you want more a straight documentary history of Joan's life then read Pernod's Her Story. Marina Warner's book--and this is probably the reason why the other reviewers do not like it--is more an analysis of the evidence that may be demanding for the lay reader. I would still consider it, by far, the best biography of Jeanne d'Arc, which is demonstrated by this reprinting. If someone were to ask me which single book on Joan's...
Warner's book has more archival material and historical background detail than any other single work in this price-range or level of reader-access. Yes, Warner also presents opinions, as scholar/critics tend to do.If, however, you turn to Regine Pernoud for an "unbiased" version of Joan's life -- whatever that might be -- you are on much more dangerous ground. Pernoud conveys opinion by omission; if a document is at...
Warner writes for the post-modern reader, and the nature of her task is questioning. She questions everything that's ever been knwon or assumed about Joan (except her chasity), which makes for a disorienting but challenging read.She may, in fact, be able to lead us to a better understanding of this incredible historical figure altogether.
It's good to see this title back in print again, and I can only hope that this new edition also includes the illustrations of the eighties original. Warner discusses many aspects and offers new interpretations of France's most celebrated warrior-mystic. Whether or not one always agrees with her conclusions, her style is engaging and her depth of research and passion for the subject seem unimpeachable. We can probably...