Celebrating a quarter-century of collaboration with the legendary publisher Gerhard Steidl
Storm of Memory celebrates 25 years of partnership between American artist Jim Dine (born 1935) and publisher Gerhard Steidl, as well as Dine's continued residency in G ttingen, Germany, where Steidl's operation is based. In this publication, Dine selects an eclectic collection of artwork to reflect what he calls "the climate of everything possible here with Gerhard S," including Elysian Fields, The Secret Drawings and prints featuring his beloved motifs of Pinocchio, hearts and tools. The selection culminates in "Poet Singing (The Flowering Sheets)," Dine's site-specific installation at Kunsthaus G ttingen, comprising sculpture, self-portraiture and handwritten poetry. Published to celebrate Dine's 88th birthday as well as the opening of his eponymous exhibition, Storm of Memory chronicles the recent activity of Dine's nearly seven-decade career and underlines the roles G ttingen and Steidl have played as a crucible for his creativity.