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Biography Christian Books & Bibles Reference Religion Religion & Spirituality TheologyI love the Piggle-Wiggle books! I was first introduced to the seres when my third grade teacher read them to the class. I have enjoyed reading them to my own students since then...Children love hearing about the different tales and adventures of the children who are friends of Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle! The stories come alive for all people who hear these stories because it's so easy to relate to. I think we all can remember a time...
I am 35 years old and can still remember my mother reading us these story every night. No matter how many times we heard them over and over it was the best time we spent together. I now have a daugter of my own and can't wait to read the same storys to her. I loved all the funny things she would do the kids to get them to listen to their parents.
I have read this tory to students in my class ranging from kindergartners to third graders. All of my students have enjoyed the story and went on to read the other titles as well. The humor used in the book is very good. Children can relate to some of the problems Miss Piggly Wiggly cures. We even used her humor in class as we decided how some of our personalities fit with the children's in the story. I would highly...
This is a delightful and funny book for children. I read it a few years ago and thought to myself, this is a funny book, but adults shouldn't really read it because they might not like it like me. It's childish humor about an old lady who likes children. Buy this for your children.
This series was among my favorites as a child. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's innovative ways of correcting improper behavior in children will amuse young readers while instilling notions of what is right and wrong. The books are very humorous and light-hearted.