Should a disciple of Jesus pray like Jesus?
Should our prayers sound like the prayers of Jesus?
Would you like to learn to pray in such a way?
Initially, we enthusiastically answer, "Yes " Certainly, anyone who follows Jesus would want to learn to pray like Jesus. Right?
But hold on. The prayers of Jesus are different. The prayers Jesus prayed aren't the typical prayers we hear in church or pray ourselves. They are much different. Focused. Intentional. Purposeful Prayer. They are much more than just devotional prayer.
Join Dr. Toby Lofton in this devotional prayer book and discover how Jesus can change your life and understanding of your purpose as a disciple. Through daily devotional prayer, you will discover how to apply the prayers of Jesus to your life, your church, your pastor, and even, people yet to become Christians.
Praying with Jesus is an extraordinary experience that can change the way you pray for the rest of your life.