I use other commentaries such as the Navarre Bible, Collegeville and Barclay's. I even refer to some Protestant commentaries for another point of view. But when I do not get enough detail or the references are too ambiguous I always end up going back to the New Jerome Commentary. It can get overly detailed sometimes so it is probably not your first source, but it will be your authoritative source when other lighter commentaries...
This is one of the finest biblical commentaries available -- and is certainly unsurpassed as a one-volume commentary.It is encyclopedic in its examination of the prevailing theories of 'higher biblical criticism.' If you want to know what scholars think about the development of a particular book of the Bible, this is a superb source to consult.It is not a 'preaching commentary,' however. And though it will tell you a lot...
This is the revised and updated version of the famous volume named for St. Jerome, the great Christian biblical scholar who insisted that "Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ." I am certain that he would be honored that his name graces the title of this commentary, which has been helping pastors and students for decades.Inside this work you will find the books of the Bible listed individually, with detailed...
The New Jerome Biblical Commentary is a great reference book for scholars and pastors who need a single volume of biblical commentary near at hand. The articles are written by some of the greats of biblical scholarship, and offer remarkably in-depth analysis, considering that one volume covers the entire Christian Scriptures. Of special help to students and scholars are the bibliographies at the end of each article. ...
I have several commentaries and this is the most complete for a one volume edition. Worth twice the weight of others in this class. Written exclusively by Catholics but fair and objective in presenting latest developments in biblical scholarship-perhaps to a fault. Easy to use once aquainted with it. May be a tough read but, worth it!