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Comeing from Coldfusion and Action script, this book was just the right thing for me to get started with java. Its still a long way but this book definitly helped me a lot!
This is my third Demystified book and I haven't been disappointed at all. All are an easy read and full of just the code you need to get programming quickly. I knew nothing about Java nor programming before reading this. Now I can program in Java. Don't be mislead. It is not an end all book. But it has just the right blend of Java to make you productive right away by building useful applications.
Pros probably stay away from this book. However, I've taken a Java course and the teach couldn't express Java programming concepts in clear English. Thank goodness for this book because I don't think I'd pass the course. I highly recommend this book.
It seems to cover everything you need to become productive right away. The tech jargon is kept to a minimum. Everything is explained for you. You can follow along with examples using your computer. I simply copy the examples and then change them to the specs the Prof wants for homework. Worth the dollars.
Recently I was in a Java class. We had 60 students and the professor had no time to stop and answer questions. My friends and I were lost and few places to turn. One of my friends stubled across this book. What a great fine. It answered all the questions the professor didn't answer.