I have always been a fan of both the classics and paranormal fiction, but I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about them mashed together. Jane Slayre made up my mind for me. I love it! Sherrie Browning Erwin stays true to the writing style of the original, but skillfully works in an edgy paranormal flair. (*Literary Purists, avert your eyes*) The paranormal elements actually make some of the Jane Slayre scenes more entertaining...
There's been a gaping hole in my heart since May 20, 2003. That was the day the final episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer aired, and since then, the world of sinister and wacky has been lacking... something. World, we have a new vampire slayer, and her name is Jane. Who knew Jane Eyre could be so much fun written as a mash-up? This novel took me completely by surprise. Not only is it so beautifully written that Charlotte...
Bravo to this author for being brave enough to face the hordes of literary snobs (such as myself) that would bristle at the thought of their beloved Jane Eyre being toyed with in any manner. I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this book so much...the thought of Jane stalking around the manor slaying vampires was just brilliant! What an image! I am thrilled with this and would ask all other literary snobs to give it...
First thing's first. If you are a Charlotte Brontë purist, you may not like or appreciate JANE SLAYRE by Charlotte Brontë and Sherri Browning Erwin. This story is similar to the original in the way 10 Things I Hate About You was similar to Taming of the Shrew; close enough to recognize the story, but that's about it. If you've ever read and liked these kind of adaptations before, I'm fairly certain you'll love this book. If...
Being raised by vampyres doesn't change Jane's destiny as a slayer. She has a duty to rid the world of these creatures but it becomes a problem when she falls in love with a man who whose first wife is not only a werewolf, but also living in his home. In the end will love conquer all or will Jane be forced to live alone because of her responsibilities with the paranormal world? I thought this book was fantastic! I really...