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Betrayal Identity Isolation Power Dynamics Racism Social Injustice Bildungsroman Classics Contemporary FictionInvisible Man is a deeply moving novel that explores identity, race, and the struggle to be seen as an individual. The unnamed narrator isn’t literally invisible, but he comes to understand that society only sees him as a role to be played, not as a person with his own thoughts and desires. Whether as a student, a worker, or a political figure, he is constantly defined by others and used for their own purposes. Though the...
This book is one of the most riveting, inspiring books. Every scene is carefully selected to leave you with more questions about race and identity than answers. Too good!
When I first read Ralph Ellison's remarkable Invisible Man I was in college. Having grown up middle class midwestern white, it seemed at the time to be a marvelous piece of work that plunged me into the nightmarishly crushing world of racism from the black perspective. It opened my eyes to racism in a way that I could never have possibly percieved from the perspective of my own limited experience.Thirty years later I pulled...
"Stephen's task, like ours, was not in creating the uncreated aspects of his race, but of discovering the undiscovered features of his face. Our task is in making ourselves individuals. The conscience of a race is the conscience of its individuals who see, evaluate, record... we create the race by creating ourselves, and to our astonishment we would have created something far more important: we would have created a...
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For Black History month we've decided to bring you a series featuring great black writers from four distinct genres. This week, our focus is contemporary authors—from the Harlem Renaissance groundbreakers to exciting newcomers of today.