Historian J. David Markham is one of the major veterans of the Napoleonic fields, but unlike many others, he has managed to liberate Napoleon from the tyrannical grasp of the educated elite and has made him available to the general public. Too often when a biography of Napoleon is attempted, it is either too specific to be understood by the average person, too broad to be of any use, or simply repetitive of past biographies...
Life doesn't get much better than a Dummies or Complete Idiot's Guide that is well written and chockful of interesting information in an easy to read and understand format. We watched the Napolean A & E DVD recently (excellent) and became interested in learning more about Napoleon. We have all heard the name but until I started reading about him in this book I didn't know more more than his name. I certainly didn't realize...
I'm not a historian, I'm a musician who studied French in high school and college. I bought this book because I was curious about the relationship between France and Denmark during the Napoleonic years. I honestly could not put the book down and couldn't talk about anything other than Napoleon for several weeks after I read this book. Markham's conversational and humorous approach is very engaging and I found it so refreshing...
The For Dummies series made a brilliant choice in choosing J. David Markham to write this Napoleon for Dummies. Although this book is by its nature a popular history, its author is nonetheless one of the world's most internationally recognized Napoleonic scholars. Markham's writing style is easy to read and he covers his subject in a way that is both informative and fascinating. He gives excellent coverage to the normal...
Napoleon for Dummies a real winner! J. David Markham's latest book, Napoleon for Dummies, is the perfect book for someone who wants to get the lowdown on Napoleon. It combines outstanding scholarship (Markham is a top international Napoleonic scholar and award-winning author) with the easy reading style associated with the Dummies series, and takes the reader beyond the stereotypes and to the real Napoleon. If the rest of...