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9 - 12 Years Action & Adventure Children's Children's Books Classics Literature & FictionThis book was originally conceived of and designed in the manner of an illuminated manuscript. The images are combined with the text to convey meaning. In the paperback most of the images are gone and the ones remaining are converted to black and white and shoved into the middle of the book where they lose their context.
I bought this book on a whim in college and devoured it in four days. It's simply fascinating, at once a very accessible introduction to Jung's theories, written for the layman, and a culmination of his life's work. Few books will change the way that you look at so much in life, but I can attest, from my own experience, that this will be one of them. Jung is our guide, in this modern and post-modern world, through the hallways...
This is one of the most informative books that I have ever read. In the introduction John Freeman writes:"Jung's arguments (and those of his colleages) spiral upward over his subject like a bird circling a tree. At first, near the ground, it sees only a confusion of leaves and branches. Gradually, as it cirles higher and higher the recurring aspects of the tree form a wholeness and relate to their surroundings. ...