I can't wait any longer to write my review of Gary's new book. No, I have not finished the book yet, but I have been through many pages and words describing Adobe's phenominal new product; Photoshop 6! As Gary pointed out, Photoshop 6 is a whole new ballgame. It's almost twice as large as Photoshop 5.5, but somehow 'friendlier'. Or at the very least, easier to use. I noticed that one reviewer complained about errors in the...
I always knew Photoshop was a Power Program and Inside Adobe Photoshop 6 with CD proves this to be true. With over a thousand pages, the authors didn't miss a thing this program can do. For those of us that are just learning Photoshop, the first chapter provides a good foundation for what can be found in Photoshop. Chapter Three which is approximately 60 pages long goes through Color Management. There are two chapters...
What a FANTASTIC book! I purchased the book BEFORE purchasing Photoshop 6, and it convinced me I was ready to print my photographs from the computer rather than in the darkroom. Being a new user of digital photography, I searched and searched to find information about scanning, monitor calibration, color correction and printing, etc...only to get tremendously confused. I found this book and it was worth every penny. I was...
I feel it is my duty to write this counter to the poor review this book has recieved. I found this book incredibly insightful. Photoshop 6 is the best multi-platform graphics program out there, so windows or mac matters very little. I also have a problem with anyone commenting on proofreading who makes 5 spelling errors in a 78 word document.To a graphics professional, this author is percieved as one of the gurus in the...
In preparing to transition at team of graphic artists and web designers from Photoshop 5.5 to Photoshop 6, I have reviewed several books on the revised application. Inside Adobe Photoshop 6 is the best I have found that will serve as both a comprehensive tutorial and a reference manual.This book is loaded with samples and how-tos that will help anyone planning to learn Photoshop 6.The wonderful folks at Adobe have brought...