In New York Times bestselling and Edgar Award-winning author Peter Robinson's brilliant thriller, Inspector Banks must solve the grisly murder of a beautiful teenage girl from a privileged family while uncovering the sordid lies that surround a village determined to keep its...
The worst that can possibly happen . . . has. A beautiful child is dead--defiled and murdered in a lonely graveyard on a fog-shrouded evening. It is the sort of horrific crime Chief Inspector Alan Banks fled the city to escape. But the slaying of a bright and lovely teenager...
With the spellbinding suspense he brought to such critical triumphs asWednesday's Child and Final Account, award-winning author PeterRobinson, noted as "one of the most underrated writers of British mystery today"(Booklist), puts Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks onto a crime...
When last seen alive, sixteen-year-old Deborah Harrison was on her way home from school. Not long after, her body is found in the local cemetery. A suspect is apprehended and put under lock and key, but Detective Chief Inspector Banks is not convinced. There are too many loose...