When I first started reading this I did not really understand why so many people told me I should read it. However, by the end of the novel, I was crying my heart out. In a good way. The connection you will have to each character is so strong and I have loved few books as much as In the Time of the Butterflies.
Pocos, ya sean dominicanos o no desconocen, la historia de las hermanas Mirabal. Yo creci oyendo de su valentia y heroismo para que los dominicanos tuvieramos un pais democrata. Sin embargo, tengo que reconocer que este libro me puso mas en contacto con el lado humana de estas tres valientes heroinas. A pesar de que este libro es de ficcion, le da a sus lectores la oportunidad de tener una cercania con sus personajes y asi...
In the Time of the Butterflies is political history rendered read through fiction format and through the gifted poetic, lyrical writing of what we can now claim as a national treasure: Julia Alvarez.The Mirabel sisters, born into a conservative and pious Catholic extended family, were martyred during the last days of Trujillo's dictatorship in the Dominican Republic. The book chronicles their movement, over time, from the...
By means of the sharpened scalpel of fiction, Julia Alvarez carves and shapes the central characters in this difficult and delicate novel as subversive agents who see themselves obligated by fate to participate in the ultimate demise of an oppressive regime. Minerva, Patria, María Teresa, and Dedé, each one in her distinct fashion, break through the tyrannical grip that holds sway over an entire island population for thirty-one...
Based on actual events, "In the Time of the Butterflies," is a tragic look at the four Mirabal sisters and their struggle to bring an end to the tyrannical regime of the Dominican Republic's most notorious dictator, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. Known for his ruthlessness and his ability to make his political enemies disappear without a trace, Trujillo's regime was one of the most brutal in Latin American history.After taking...
No matter how full our TBR shelves get, we're always finding new books we want to squeeze in! Here are 23 exciting April releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
There are a lot of exciting new books coming out! Here are nine of our most highly anticipated titles in the next several months, plus related reads you can get right now.