In the final installment of In Love with a Down South Hoodlum, secrets will be exposed. Those who once loved will question their heart. More betrayal will be revealed. Skeletons will surface when least expected. Who will come out on top when no one is safe?
Lyn learning Logic was still alive leaves her in disbelief. How could he allow her to go through a whole funeral only for him to come back for her later? She was not prepared for his return. Moving on was the best option for her when she finds out how much Logic had betrayed her. She wants nothing more to do with him. However, Logic doesn't agree with this. Will she fight him, or will she go willingly?
Logic comes out of hiding with the intent of reclaiming what he says is his. His desire to take Lyn home to where he feels she belongs is not an option. He is going to take her with or without her permission. Even after committing the ultimate betrayal, Logic is determined to win Lyn's heart back. Is that possible? No matter the cost, Logic will do what he has to do to get what he wants.
Corde' receives a concerning text sending him on an unexpected journey. He is in for the fight of his life, trying to prove his innocence and keep himself alive. Shocked to learn his departure could be why Lyn was made an easy target leaves him questioning himself and if he deserves her. He wonders if Lyn feels the same way or will she blame him for her capture?
The first installment left unanswered questions. Keep reading for all the answers you desire. Lyn, Mercury, Corde', Logic, and Kosine aren't done yet. They are ready to continue their journey through the south as they destroy anything that stands in the way of them finding happiness. What's done in the dark comes to light. Who will make it out alive? What couples will survive? Will the fight be worth it in the end? Mz. Biggs' did not come to disappointment in the finale of In Love with A Down South Hoodlum.