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TravelFinally a book you can sink your teeth into and getstarted. I've read dozens of trading books where you finish and youwonder what your next step should be. Here the author gives detailed examples of strategies. There are also very few typos or mistakes which to me is most infuriating. You buy a "how to" book and you need a decoder ring to try and figure out what the author really meant because they didn't bother to proof the...
I really liked this book. Devoting itself to internet trading and options it introduces the reader to how to research a trade, apply option strategies and find a broker. It was refreshing to see Mr. Fontanills put his neck out and give an opinion on subjects such as brokers, web sites and rank them for the reader. I have used his suggestions of research tools and have had some success already. I liked the fact that he...
Wow! A book that really delivers the goods.Starting out with Online Investing 101. and moving on to Online Trading Resources Fontanills introduces the world of cyber trading. Then he moves to introduce the options basics strategies. In particular he concentrates on Vertical Spreads. and Covered Writes to show how to trade online.Then he moves to his trademark of Delta Neutral Strategies. The book covers Ratio Spreads...
Finally a book that decodes the complexities of online trading from an option trader's point of view! I was happily surprised by Fontanills' candid reviews of online sites and even more surprised that he boldly rated online brokerages in a top ten list. His writing style was fresh and easy to read, and I applaud his attention to detail. For once, I looked forward to reading an investment book and highly recommend it to...
This is a good book on how to trade options online. I liked the review of the top web sites on the internet for options traders. My broker E-Trade was not in the top 10 - I agree with that as they are out to lunch for options trading. Fontanills, not a broker, expressed a blunt for and against of the brokers. I may change my broker to try his ideas. The top options website reference guide has already become invaluable.I...