In Four Reigns: The Recollections Of Althea Allingham, 1785-1842 (1887) is a historical fiction novel written by Emma Marshall. The book is set in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and follows the life of Althea Allingham, a young woman who grows up during the reigns of...
In Four Reigns: The Recollections Of Althea Allingham, 1785-1842 is a historical novel written by Emma Marshall and published in 1887. The book is a first-person narrative of the life of Althea Allingham, a fictional character who lived in England during the reigns of George...
In Four Reigns: The Recollections Of Althea Allingham, 1785-1842 is a historical novel written by Emma Marshall and published in 1887. The book is a first-person account of the life of Althea Allingham, a fictional character who lived through four reigns in England: George III,...