Who doesn't love a good game?
These animals certainly enjoy playing games like Hot Potato, Mother May I, TiddlyWinks, Jacks, and more. Don't recognize any of these games? Ask your parents about playing them. Here's one you're sure to know:
"After taking a call, did you see the seagull
bump into the wall while playing dodgeball?"
Enjoy reading this rhythmically rhyming book filled with various animals at play, the second in the series, the first being "In All of Your Days Have You Seen the Ways an Animal Plays an Instrument?" Just like the first book, this one also has an interactive element.
In the style of Giles Andreae's "Rumble in the Jungle," this book will help you recall games of the past, as well as multi-generational games like tag, dodgeball, and pick up sticks.
Find out more at ReadingRhythmsAndRhymes.com